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Share the News About Coding Certification Org – Video



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Laureen: This slide is where we like to encourage you, if you appreciate the free information that we put together for CCO you can return the favor just by liking us in social media, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, all that good stuff. It really does make a difference for us, and so far as of today have not needed to do any paid advertising to grow how we have been and we’re very happy with, that so we really want to continue with the word of mouth.

Share the News About Coding Certification Org – Video

Anything that you want to share that you like the webinar, if you’ve taken a course you can go to our Facebook page. We also have a social links page that you could go to off the site. We’ve got a testimonials page. If you could kind of do that maybe before you close your computer tonight that would be greatly appreciated, and I’ll show you, too, where our social links are. If you go to our Home/About tab, and right here it says, “Social Links,” you can click on that and that’ll take you to our Facebook page or Twitter page, all the goodies that way. Anything that you’re doing social media wise, just give a shout out, we’d appreciate it.

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Coding Certification Forum – Video
AAPC – Medical Certification Overview

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